What kinds of resources are available on Ocean School?
There are many types of resources available on the Ocean School site.
These include:

Short videos that are 2 to 5 minutes long.

360° videos
Video recordings where an omnidirectional camera films a view in every direction at once. It’s like being the passenger in a car. You can look all around you, but the driver (filmmaker) decides where to take you.

Augmented reality
Augmented reality (AR) experiences add digital elements to a live view from your device’s camera.

Peer assessment and self-assessment forms provided in Google Forms, Google Docs, and Microsoft document formats as well as sample rubrics that could be imported into Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom.
You can copy and adapt these documents to meet your needs.

Short interactive experiences that combine video, audio clips, pictures, 360° videos, maps and other infographics.

Virtual reality
Virtual reality (VR) experiences transport you to new environments, both real and imaginary. In a VR experience, you decide what you want to see and where you wish to go.

Curated news articles to improve literacy and encourage critical thinking.